
TechDivision GmbH specializes in the provision of services in the field of digital transformation. The core of the portfolio consists of consulting, software & solutions, data and processes as well as marketing and creation.

TechDivision works with various technologies and platforms to develop customized solutions for its customers that to develop customized solutions that increase efficiency and improve digital presence. Their goal is to help companies overcome technological challenges and optimize their business processes through innovative IT solutions.

Nearshoring capacities are standard

For enterprise clients or official institutions nearshoring rate carts are a must. This creates a new challenge for service SMB-Service providers like TechDivision. A potent nearshoring partner is crucial for achieving competitive pricing and effective cost management in large digitalisation projects. The lack of skilled specialists creates another obstacle. In Germany, there is a notable shortage of skilled developers, which often leads to delays in project timelines.

Additionally, the high labor costs in the country pose significant challenges to cost-efficient project implementation. There is also a specific demand for specialized Adobe AEM developers, who are rare in Germany, further exacerbating the skills gap.

Building an Adobe AEM-team

TechDivision and hyretech are jointly starting a team building process to build an Adobe AEM developer team. The new team will be based in Tirana, Albania and will work exclusivly for TechDivision. The collaboration will be governed by an Employer of Record (EoR) contract.

A specific onboarding process and learning path is defined to prepare the developers for the Adobe AEM certification. Until the team is fully certified and productive, TechDivision and hyretech share the personnel costs.

Increased competitiveness through nearshoring.

TechDivision has successfully reinforced its existing team without taking on any additional risk or effort. By establishing nearshoring capabilities, TechDivision has significantly increased its competitiveness. In addition, the option remains open to expand the team further if required.

Another significant advantage is the ability to train developers specifically for Adobe AEM. This is a valuable asset for both companies and strengthens their position in the market.


Techdivision Hyretech

"We are very grateful for the partnership with hyretech. The team in Tirana has become a fundamental part of TechDivision. Thank you very much for this enrichment."

Stefan Willkommer
CEO TechDivision

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